After visiting a local Nissan dealership and getting their recommended maintenance on my 2012 Nissan Pathfinder, with associated prices, I decided to undertake some of the tasks myself. The first in the list of maintenance items that I wanted to tackle was the brake fluid service. This involves slowly removing old fluid while at the same time continually adding fluid to the brake fluid reservoir the ensure no air enters the system. As a DIY project, I was able to save over $140 by doing it myself and needed about 1.5 hours to complete the work.
Tools required:
10mm Wrench (I used a regular-sized one and a stubby)
Brake bleed kit (can be home made)
Shop Towels
Syringe with plastic tubing
Oil drip pan
Overall the process was easy, the only issues that I found included the mess that the brake fluid makes as it does leak a fair amount from the bottle and once it gets on your gloves you need to change them frequently. The fluid change would also be easier with the tires removed from the vehicle as the calipers are positioned close to the wheels, but overall it was manageable with the tires on.