There are a few ways to tell that one on the burners in your oven have stopped working, but you will likely notice that the oven is just not heating up like it used to. If that is the case you should be able to repair the oven without many tools and in less than an hour.

Damage to the element is a sure sign that your element has reached the end of its life
You can also use a multimeter to check if there is continutiy in the element. This is a picture of the new element
Pull your oven out and unplug it, there is a shock hazard if you do not do this critical step
Make sure you get an element that will work with your oven
Your oven likely has a metal cover that protects the electrical parts on the back of your oven. Remove that part, but be careful as appliance sheet metal is sharp
Unplug the element prongs from the stove
Unscrew the bake element from the oven and pull it out
Put the new element in the oven and screw it in place
Attach the stove element to the stove in the same configuration that it was originally in
Replace the protective cover for your stoves electrical components
Test it out and get ready to bake something

Tools and equipment used:

Socket Set –
Oven Bake Element –
Multi-meter / ohm meter –

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