A proper functioning dryer vent cap will help keep the cold air and rodents out of the house. This job is very inexpensive, doesn’t take too much time and doesn’t need much in terms of tools. In short it is a no brainer to get completed when you have a spare afternoon.
Key Take Aways
Cut out the old vent cap
Ensure all the old cap material is removed
Dry fit the new cap on and secure with hose clamp
Seat the cap against the wall to ensure interior ducts line up
Check to make sure everything still lines up. If needed adjust the ducts
Once the fit is confirmed scre the vent cap in place
Use aluminum tape on all the joints
Cut back siding as needed to fit vent cap
Use silicon or spray foam to fill gaps before final installation
Screw vent cap in place
Keep screwing
Use an exterior silicon caulk to seal the gaps, leave the bottom open for drainage