The Nissan grounding strap is very small and cheap looking. If you live in an area with a lot of road salt you might need to replace the strap. There are only 2 bolts to remove so technically this is an easy job, unless all the bolts sheer off like they did for me.

Get your tools ready. Specifically the penetrant spray
A 13 inch grounding strap is a good size for the replacement
For the OEM bolts you need a 12 mm socket or wrench
You also need a 10 mm socket
This is the old grounding strap and you can see the bolt attached to the frame
Remove the 10 mm bolt attached to the muffler
Remove the 12 mm bolt attached to the frame
I broke everything
I tried these to remove the bolts, but ended up just drilling out the sheered off bolts and used a tap and die set to do a re-thread
You can use the tap and die to determine the bolt size and thread type
I am now using the Tap to re-thread the frame as an M10 bolt
I am also re-threading the muffler
I went to a specialty bolt store and bought some bolts, nuts, and washers. This is the one that goes into the frame
I bought a few options for the muffler
Before putting it all together I clean off all the mounting surfaces with some battery cleaner
I ran the bolt into the frame with the new grounding strap
I then tightened the frame bolt down
I then threaded the bolt into the muffler
I then put a nut on the back of the bolt to ensure it was held in place well
After several hours of work I finally got a grounding strap secured

Tools and equipment used:

Grounding Strap –
Tap and Die Set –
Drill –
Sockets –
Metric Wrenches –
Penetrant Spray –
Drill Bits –

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